How to Install a WordPress Plugin
WordPress plugins are very useful. You can easily install a plugin from the WordPress dashboard.
1. Log in to the WordPress dashboard.
2. From the Dashboard menu, go to Plugins and click on Add New.
3. Use the Search filter to find the plugins. Type Security to find plugins related to it.
( readersHow to Change the Password of a WordPress Account
You can easily change the password if you have access to your WordPress account.
1. Log in to the WordPress dashboard.
2. From the Dashboard menu, go to Users and click on Profile.
3. Scroll down to Account Management and click on Set New Password.
( readersHow to Restrict Access to Directories by IP Address
To secure your admin area from hackers, you should only allow access to your admin directory from selected IP addresses. You can create a dot htaccess file in the directory where you want to restrict access to specific IP addresses.
For example, if you have a WordPress blog installed on your main directory and you log in via, you should create an htaccess file in /wp-admin/.htaccess and put the following code into it. Please, don’t forget to replace the allowed IP addreFew readersHow to Delete a Package in WHM
You can remove the hosting package of your account, or, should you have root access, you can also remove the packages of other users from WHM.
1. Log in to your WHM Account.
2. Go to Packages >Delete a Package or type Delete a Package in the menu filter box. The option will appear. Click on it.
3. Under Delete a Package, select a package you want toFew readersHow to Manually Install a WordPress Plugin
The automatic installation of a plugin is easy and straightforward. However, you can also install it manually. It will involve manually downloading a plugin, uploading, and activating it.
Make sure you have already downloaded a zip file of the plugin to your desktop.
1. Log in to the WordPress dashboard.
2. From the Dashboard menu, go to Plugins and click on Add New.
( readersHow to Install Webmin on Linux
Webmin is a free hosting control panel with easy installation. It takes only 5 to 10 minutes, and the configuration is simple.
What are the requirements?
– Fresh CentOS, AlmaLinux, RockyLinux, Fedora, Debian, Kali or Ubuntu installed on your VPS/Server.
How to install Webmin?
Step 1: Log in to SSH Client using your root account.
We are going to configure repositories. Enter below commands:Few readersHow to Forcefully Update or Reinstall a WordPress Plugin
The WordPress plugin is not working correctly, or you want to reinstall it without losing data or removing the plugin.
You can do this with both active and inactive plugins.
1. Log in to the WordPress dashboard.
2. From the Dashboard menu, go to Plugins and click on Plugin File Editor.
3. From the drop-down menu of Select plugin to edit, choose the pluginFew readersHow to Change the WordPress User’s Display Name
You can change the display name of your WordPress account, which shows on WordPress posts and comments.
1. Log in to the WordPress dashboard.
2. From the Dashboard menu, go to Users and click on Profile.
3. Locate Nickname and enter your new name.
( readersHow to Create a Feature List in WHM
You can create a feature list from your WHM Account. Feature lists allow you to provide a customized plan with specific features only.
1. Log in to your WHM Account.
2. Go to Packages >Feature Manager or type Feature Manager in the menu filter box. The option will appear. Click on it.
3. In Add a new feature list field, enter the name of your feature list and click on Add Feature List.
( readersHow to Edit a Hosting Package in WHM
You can edit the hosting package of your account. With root access, you can edit the packages of any user.
1. Log in to your WHM Account.
2. Go to Packages >Edit a Package or type Edit a Package in the menu filter box. The option will appear. Click on it.
3. Select the package you want to edit.
( readersHow to Check or Change Server Time via WHM Root
If you want to change the server time, you can easily do it from WHM Host Manager.
1. Log in to your WHM Root Account.
2. Go to Server Configuration >Server Time or type Server Time in the menu filter box. The option will appear. Click on it.
3. You can check the already configured time under Current Time. Click on Sync Time with Time Server toFew readersHow to Deactivate and Delete a WordPress Plugin
You can deactivate and delete unused plugins from the WordPress dashboard.
1. Log in to the WordPress dashboard.
2. From the Dashboard menu, go to Plugins and click on Installed Plugins.
3. If you want to deactivate the Hello Dolly plugin, click on Deactivate, which appears below the plugin’s name.
( readersHow to Install Filezilla Client on Windows
Installing the FileZilla FTP Client on Windows OS is easy. Just follow this tutorial.
1. Download the Filezilla FTP Client Installer file for your Windows OS.
2. Double click to Run the FileZilla FTP Setup File. If it shows a security warning, please read and accept it. Then click on Run.
3. The FileZilla CFew readers