How to Remove a Feature List from WHM
Follow this tutorial if you have a feature list you don’t need and want it removed. 1. Log in to your WHM Account. 2. Go to Packages >Feature Manager or type Feature Manager in the menu filter box. The option will appear. Click on it. 3. Under Manage feature list, choose the feature list you wish to remove 4. Click on Delete. Congratulations. Your selected feature list has been successfully removed.Few readersHow to Change the Default Nameservers in the WHM Root
You can change the default nameservers in your WHM Root Account. Note: Root access is required. You cannot access it with a WHM Reseller account. 1. Log in to your WHM Root Account. 2. Go to Server Configuration >Basic WebHost Manager Setup or type Basic in the menu filter box. The option will appear. Click on it. 3. Scroll to the end of the page. Under Nameservers, enter your Nameservers in the text field. ( readersHow to Change the Password of the WHM Root Account in WHM
You can change the root user account password from WHM. 1. Log in to your WHM Root Account. 2. Go to Server Configuration >Change Root Password or type Change Root in the menu filter box. The option will appear. Click on it. 3. Enter your new password or use the password generator option to generate a new random password. Make sure that you save youFew readers